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The key to a good strategy is to have one.

Richard Rumelt – “Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters”.


A robust strategy differentiates a business by setting clear, purposeful choices and aligning actions, policies, and resources toward a defined goal. This strategic coherence gives a competitive edge, particularly as many organizations lack it and don’t anticipate it in others. 

While technological change is rapid, organizational change often lags, creating a challenge. Effective strategy involves deliberate decisions to close this gap. It’s about proactively determining what to pursue and avoid, ensuring every initiative contributes coherently towards the organizational objective. 

At IZARA, we believe a digital strategy is a critical part of the company’s overall strategy. Hence, we have developed four specific advisory offerings tailored to help management devise a digital roadmap and secure organizational alignment.

Digital Maturity Assessment

Fundamentally, digital maturity is about the ability to look at the business through a “digital lens” to identify where technology can radically change value creation.

Many companies understand technology, but struggle to achieve full value from it due to challenges with the right talent pool, culture and organizational structure.

It is not all about new technology, but more about a deep focus on non-technical, operational changes across the organization to get ready for a digital future.

Key benefits

  • Evaluate the organization’s digital maturity and needs
  • Understand which digital opportunities provide the most value
  • Identify areas for necessary competence enhancement
  • Create input to formulate a digital strategy and transformation

Digital Enabled IT Strategy

The concept that digital enables IT strategy is not just an operational consideration; it’s a transformative philosophy that integrates technology deeply into the fabric of business strategy.
In the past, IT was often seen as a support function, isolated from core business operations. It focused on maintaining systems, ensuring uptime, and optimizing costs. Today, digital technology is the linchpin of business strategies. It’s about using technology not just to support business processes but to define them.
We help you develop a digital-enabled IT strategy that will align your digital assets with the overall business goals and, hence – be an accelerator for your business and secure an IT set-up that is scalable, adaptable, and effective.

Key benefits

  • Aligning business strategy & IT objectives
  • Clearly defined IT strategy streams
  • IT Capabilities; Skills Mapping & Planning

Digital Agenda & Road Map

Preparing a digital agenda and roadmap is crucial in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. In a world where digital transformation is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, having a well-defined digital agenda ensures your business aligns with evolving technology trends. This helps strategically integrate digital solutions that enhance your business processes, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation. 

A digital roadmap outlines key milestones, timelines, and resources required, allowing for efficient allocation and management of your digital initiatives. It’s a dynamic tool that helps navigate the complexities of digital transformation, aligning ybusiness objectives with technological capabilities. It’s crucial to manage the pace of change and ensure that the adoption of digital technologies is systematic, scalable, and sustainable.

It’s also about risk management and sustainability. In the digital realm, things change rapidly – new technologies emerge, consumer behaviors shift, and regulatory landscapes evolve. A digital agenda and roadmap help you proactively anticipate and adapt to these changes. They provide a framework for evaluating and mitigating risks associated with digital investments and initiatives. 

Key benefits

  • Efficient resource management
  • Overview of IT capabilities & skills mapping
  • Alignment with technology trends and market changes
  • Direction for digital transformation efforts incl. tracking of progress
  • Identify and mitigate risks in digital initiatives

Linking Digital Strategy to Execution

In the rapidly evolving digital era, the link between digital strategy and execution has become a critical focal point for businesses seeking to harness the power of technology for competitive advantage. 

This nexus is not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about integrating digital initiatives seamlessly into the very fabric of the business. Effective alignment of digital strategy with execution involves a harmonious blend of technological innovation, organizational culture, and business processes. 

It requires a clear vision, robust planning, and agile implementation. This process demands cross-functional collaboration, continuous adaptation, and a deep understanding of both market dynamics and technological potential. 

Key benefits

  • Get prepared and structured for digital execution
  • Input to the right IT Organization design and governance structure
  • Aligns technology initiatives with business goals and objectives
  • Facilitate resource allocation and prioritization for digital projects
  • Improve stakeholder engagement and communication across the organization