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What digital has brought to just about every sector, industry and business is a transformed scale, scope and pace of change.

Niel Perkins & Peter Abraham in their book – “Building the agile business through digital transformation”.


Embracing digital transformation is imperative in today’s fast-paced business landscape, but for many organizations, the journey is filled with challenges, particularly when internal resources are scarce. 

Navigating the complexities of integrating new technologies, redefining business processes, and ensuring seamless data migration, demands specialized expertise that often goes beyond the scope of in-house capabilities. 

IZARA can help bridge the gap between your current state and digital aspirations, ensuring a smooth, efficient, and value-driven transition to a digital future. 

Plan for Digital Transformation

Embarking on a digital transformation journey requires meticulous pre-analysis and effective mobilization strategies to ensure success. 

This addresses the initial stages of digital transformation, where understanding the current organizational landscape and defining clear transformation objectives are paramount. 
Through thorough pre-analysis, we identify key areas of digital potential and challenges, setting a solid foundation for the transformative process. 
Mobilization then brings this vision to life, involving stakeholder engagement, resource allocation, and the establishment of a roadmap tailored to your unique business needs. 
 It is essential to establish the fundamental framework to understand what will happen and why it is occurring, cover risk mitigation, conduct stakeholder management, secure timely communication, and assign tasks and responsibilities based on project objectives.

Key benefits

  • Collaboration between IT and business (IT Operating Model & Business Operating Model)
  • Define the desired future state (at the overall level)
  • Understand business needs and current state analysis
  • Mobilize resources and define onboarding plan/materials
  • Selection of IT supplier (operation and/or implementation)
  • Define the structure and management of the program
  • Design and setup of Application Management Supportive

IT Architecture & Data Management

When orchestrating your digital platform, ensuring scalability is crucial for adapting to evolving business needs. Additionally, avoiding vendor lock-in is paramount for maintaining flexibility in technological choices, allowing for seamless integration of best-in-class solutions. 

Adopting a data-driven approach in decision-making secures insights derived from accurate, real-time data, leading to more effective strategies and operational efficiency. 

Equally important is constructing a setup where security is a foundational element, not an afterthought. This means integrating robust security measures from the ground up to protect data and systems against evolving cyber threats. 

A well-architected digital platform combines these elements, offering a resilient, adaptable, and secure foundation for digital activities. This fosters an innovation culture enabling fast respond to market changes and customer needs.

Key benefits

  • A modern enterprise architecture and scalable solutions 
  • Flexible infrastructure architecture for seamless integration
  • A responsive data architecture to facilitating data-driven decisions
  • Analysis of current solution architecture with emphasis on security and robustness

Application Strategy Advisory

In an era where technology drives business success application strategy advisory stands at the forefront, guiding organizations through the maze of emerging technologies and a resulting complex application landscape. 
Application strategy refers to the planning and implementation approach for software applications within an organization to align these tools with business goals and digital transformation initiatives. It involves assessing, deploying, managing, and enhancing applications to improve business processes, enhance customer engagement, and increase operational efficiency. 
The role of application strategy advisory in a digital transformation program is to guide organizations in making informed decisions about their software applications. This includes determining which existing applications should be retained, updated, or retired and identifying opportunities for new applications that can provide a competitive edge. The ultimate goal is to create a cohesive technology ecosystem that is agile, scalable, and aligned with the business’s long-term vision.

Key benefits

  • An evaluation of the existing application portfolio
  • A transition plan to a more optimized application environment
  • An application and IT infrastructure roadmap
  • Policies and procedures that govern the use of applications

Program & Project Management

To avoid tha a digital transformation project suffers under insufficient communication, underestimation of budgets and timeframes, and delayed initiation of change management, project expertise is neede for successful execution. 

The partners at IZARA has this experience and expertise. Our approach emphasizes securing stakeholder buy-in, providing strategic direction, and ensuring adherence to program principles. But beyond that, we focus on integrating the transformation into the very fabric of the organization. This involves aligning the project with the culture, values, and long-term vision, ensuring successful implementation and sustainable change. 

Our team works closely with you to tailor transformation projects that resonate with the organizational dynamics, thereby fostering a seamless and effective transformation journey.

Key benefits

  • Project responsible from initiation of project to operation
  • Project planning, stakeholder management & mobilizing teams
  • IT Governance & Risk Management
  • Participate in the steering committee
  • Establishment of a project structure & resource mapping